Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Old Spice Aftershave

 The other day I saw somewhere on the Internet that Old Spice Aftershave is probably one of the very few brands that hasn't changed its branding in ages. Which took me back to the time when it was the default smell in my house.

Ever since I could remember, my father always used the Old Spice Aftershave. And it became his default smell because he would either shave his stubbles every other day - he prefered a clean-shaven jaw with a thick mustache even today. Or he would apply the lotion on my wounds as an anti-septic. And me, being the naughtiest of them all, always had a cut or bruise every now and then, so yeah, it would be applied generously. 

I can only associate that smell to my father and my childhood and nothing else. I am fortunate to have my father still around, but even when he's gone, I think I will buy a bottle of the aftershave and keep it in my shelf, so that every time I miss him, I will apply it on my palm. The smell would take me back to the time he was near me.

I don't know why I am considering this when he is still alive. May be because I am aware of the inevitable, and he is getting older. 

Today, I will make him apply it on his face, a little bit more and indulge in that aroma and register that memory in my mind... forever. 

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