Thursday, June 27, 2024

How Touchy are You?

Well, I don't know about you, but I sure am, but only on certain things. 

For instance, let me be very honest. I am very insecure about my writing skills. I mean, back in school, or even in college, I never showed inclination to writing or reading for that matter, didn't even try! But, here I am, earning my bread through writing!

I think I had mentioned earlier too, I started writing for the sake of it. But, a few of my friends said I write really well, and I totally believed them and started writing over and over again. It never occured to me that it was all amateurish. Until I received a very mean comment (anonymous) under one of my blogs. 

The comment got flagged by Google for some unknown reason, but unfortunately I got it as email. I read the whole thing and the gist of it was that I am a bad writer and I should quit this gimmick. I was shattered. It made me go back and read all my previous blogs and wonder what went wrong. I just couldn't bring myself again to write, and that comment lingered with me and haunted me... Well, haunts me to this day... That it started affecting my work. 

Everytime I get a new client (I am a content/copy writer) and they share their expectations, I panic. I start believing that I can never do it, and eventually end up dropping the project!

Oh, I forgot to mention that eventhough the comment was posted anonymously, I knew who was behind it and I confronted that person. They said they were just pulling my leg. Little did they know how affected I was. I confronted them recently as well, they apologised, but the damage is already done. 

I am so underconfident, I just cannot pitch for new projects. And the worst, I live with the fear of losing existing projects sooner. It's a touch life. Lol

But looking back, I'd like to appreciate that 22 year old's efforts to be seen. And this 37 yo's efforts to atleast TRY. 

All I want to say is, let's all try to be kind. These days, things are so bad, thanks to social media, cyber bullying has hit the roof. I think we should learn to ignore and move on, rather than bullying people for the sake of few laughs? I sure laugh at other people's expense when I see delusional people on the internet, sure, I share them with my friends to laugh too, but that's that! Commenting mean things is going to affect people, man! Let's don't be assholes. 

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