Thursday, June 13, 2024

Is Blood Really Thicker than Water?

 I grew up hearing this proverb very frequently "Blood is thicker than water" and I ended up believing it too. I thought family (extended) was very important, and even though I was considered a black sheep in the family, I enjoyed and looked forward to family gatherings. But eventually, I learned the hardest lesson - blood isn't thicker than water after all!

As I grew up, I realized that some people that I loved and adored weren't what they portrayed themselves to be. People were around only for the sake of it. And the worst of it all, if you have money, you have more closer relatives. Sad, but true! 

Which made me ponder, why are our parents' generation so obsessed with family and being 'grateful'? I understand, we all need to have gratitude, but should we not call out toxic behaviour too? Just because someone has been kind to us, or have done things for us, are we obligated to keep them close, even though, we are aware that, they are gonna do more harm than good?

I just don't understand this logic. I mean, you can always be grateful, but if someone is wrong, you don't have to be their ally all the time! And that makes me proud of our generation. No shit given or taken! We, well, at least a lot of us, know where to draw that line and also not to let anyone cross their boundaries. And that's how it should be!

I really wish and hope our parents understood this too, and helped us live a less traumatic life.

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