Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The problem is....

Every time, every single time, us, not all of us, but, most of us keep cribbing how unfair life is to us. Though we all know there are people who suffer more than we do, we just ignore that and keep sulking. And with all that luxury we have, which by no means our sweat but provided by our parents (Indians you see!) we crib for a break up, a fight with a friend, being jobless etc etc. (Well, I do that, quite a lot.) And all these cannot be solved! Whaaaaaaaaaa!

When I whine about the 24*7  pain I am going through and stop myself from doing work or couple of things saying that would hurt me further, I see people doing the same with the same problem, for a living. Coz they don't have the luxury as I do. I feel so bad, you know!

And then, a lot among us who are struggling and have reached somewhere from no where and are still struggling with a smile on their faces. Coz they wanna fight it over, they don't have time for bullshit. We respect them, but have we ever tried to be like them? NO! If we did, life would have been way better!

I'm not saying we should compare our problems with others, everyone's got their bit of crap to deal with, but then, how we deal it matters. Sitting and crying never helps. Fight it out. Win over! Live life to the fullest! I think I have started following that rule, and I know how amazing it is! May be, we all can  try that out and feel a less miserable! :-) 

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