Many a time you fail to figure out the purpose of your life. It may not always be making money, or travelling around, or eating good food or living with parents or meeting as many people as possible. Something else, which you fail to give a thought on. You live with the flow, follow the majority and live your life the way others want. You study, but never learn. You find a job that satisfies the world's requirements. You get married at the 'right' age. You have kids 'before its too late'. And one day you die without knowing why you lived all those years. You might die happy, and you think that possibly be the purpose of your life, but if at all given a thought, you would have found something extraordinary as the purpose to have been alive.
Some go against the flow; they become what the world wouldn't want them to be. They would be the most ridiculed ones; the ones who take all the pain and tantrums from every nook and corner just because they want to pursue a dream and find a purpose to be alive. And one day they become successful and the rest of the world follow their path proclaiming that's the right thing to do. And the value for that 'purpose' gets devalued.
The world has a lot more to explore and the intelligence man possesses if used wisely can bring up way better things than what we have now. If only we knew that the path every Tom, Dick and Harry choose is not always the right thing to do; there's something called 'passion' and that has to be treated well; each one of us would have had a better reason to smile than just sit, watch, appreciate and idolize one or two who have actually done it with their lives. Its good to try, but to try for what's worth takes a lot of courage!
Some go against the flow; they become what the world wouldn't want them to be. They would be the most ridiculed ones; the ones who take all the pain and tantrums from every nook and corner just because they want to pursue a dream and find a purpose to be alive. And one day they become successful and the rest of the world follow their path proclaiming that's the right thing to do. And the value for that 'purpose' gets devalued.
The world has a lot more to explore and the intelligence man possesses if used wisely can bring up way better things than what we have now. If only we knew that the path every Tom, Dick and Harry choose is not always the right thing to do; there's something called 'passion' and that has to be treated well; each one of us would have had a better reason to smile than just sit, watch, appreciate and idolize one or two who have actually done it with their lives. Its good to try, but to try for what's worth takes a lot of courage!