Thursday, January 31, 2013

FYI - Filthy Dogs!

Every woman in this entire planet is a 'slut' to someone or the other and that's a hard truth. Being a woman myself, I've learnt things the hard way.  One such lesson is that, you can  never shut the mouth of those dirty dogs wagging their tongue against you. They keep wagging until they find their next prey and some other dog will start doing that to you. It's more like a  circle of filthy dogs taking rounds to bark and through hell on you. And unfortunately, these filthy dogs are not always men; even women target their peers and you can call   it jealousy!

Their idea of 'slut' starts when they see you hanging out with men, different men, multiple men, they call you a 'slut'. Then you post your picture with a guy on your Facebook profile or Twitter account, only to let them re-confirm that whatever they had thought of is absolutely true.They are so ignorant to know that there's something called 'friendship' and men n women can share purely platonic relationships with each other.

No matter whatever you do, no matter however you behave, at some point, you'll be called a 'bitch'. If you are not friends with men, then you are secretive and is not 'good' inside, if you have many male friends, you are still not good! They expect you to live the way they want, without offending them and just listen to whatever they say! And if you think it's because you are single, nah! That's not the case! Even married/engaged women are targeted. And trust me, the things been said about them are even worse!

These It's quite obvious that I've taken the same crap too, for the crappy reasons they have, and the crappier mentality they possess. And for me, the way they think can't be changed, as that's how they are, or that's what they've seen in their family! The more you try to justify your side to anyone, the crappieryou are gonna get! And I wonder why majority of our people are so jobless!

So ladies, live the life the way you want, and don't effing give an eff to anyone around. IT'S YOUR LIFE, IT'S NOW OR NEVER, YOU AIN'T GONNA LIVE FOREVER! ;)


  1. Nice one

    Yes, there are many who treat women like bitches. Actually they speak about ethics and morale like they are the guardian angels of this shit.

  2. I really donno how you do tis everytime ... !! You take words rite out of my mouth !!!
