I don't know how and when I started getting attracted to Frangipanis.
My first memory of seeing, and smelling a frangipani was when I was 6 or 7. Our newly-built home, which was away from everything I had loved and experienced until then, had a spacious garden. My parents were never plant people, but they wanted the surroundings to look aesthetically pleasing, they planted a lot of flowering shrubs and trees around the house. One of them was this magenta frangipani. I loved the pleasant smell of it, I would pick one from the floor or pluck something that's reachable and play with it. It was my favorite plant in that entire garden.
Years went by, and new construction happened in the building, and to accomodate a new flight of steps outside the building, my father got the frangipani tree cut down. I was deeply hurt. I had this close connection with this tree, and I felt like I lost a part of me. I used to talk to this tree every now and then, as if its a friend, and that's what I lost - a friend, from an otherwise lonely, terrible life.
From then, every time I come across a frangipani tree, I would pause and enjoy its beauty. I have moved on from the magenta one, the ivory frangipani version is my current favorite.
I love flowers of all kinds, but frangipani would definitely remain on top of that list. I once had this idea of starting a clothing brand, and while my friends and I were trying to find a name for it, my first choice was 'Frangipani'. Unfortunately, I got to know that there's already a brand by that name and I let that feeling sink in.
Someday, if I ever get married, even though that day would never come, I would want a very intimate wedding. And I know which garland the bride and groom would be wearing - the one made with lovely frangipanis. That's certain.
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