Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The taste of ... betrayal

"Have you ever tasted betrayal?", he was curious. 

Her glowing face suddenly turned pale. She grabbed his cigarette, took couple of slow puffs and turned to him.

"I'm not too sure whether betrayal can sum up my whole experience. May be yes. But all I can tell you is, I was hurt a hundred times, and possibly that has made me emotionally numb." she paused.

"We could've avoided this conversation. Brings back many forbidden memories." she exclaimed.

"Oh! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"No. Its absolutely okay. If you hadn't asked me this today, I'd have probably found it difficult to give you my answer for what you asked me the other day."

"Means?" he didn't want to hear what he feared would have followed.

"There's no room for romance in my life. Simple as that."

He was shocked. He never saw this coming.

"Never wanted to hurt you, neither did I want to give you false hopes"

But he didn't respond. He knew the taste of betrayal too and how hurt feels like. He remained silent; couple of smokes down he decided to wait, until she feels what he feels.

They didn't talk later that day and both went back to their rooms. He left with a piece of hope and she, with guilt for rejecting the one she loved.

Hurt, betrayal and the fear to face them all repeating all over again can make people irrational.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Thing about Attachment

"What's attachment? How does it look like?" asked the curious little girl.

The grown ups were in a deep discussion about this phrase she had never heard of and no one really bothered to listen to her, except the old man. He turned to her, stood up from his chair, smiled at her, walked towards the study and asked her to follow him. They entered the room, he opened the drawer, took out two pieces of paper, one black another red, took some glue and went to the table.

He applied the glue on the black paper carefully and placed the red one over it and said, "This is attachment". He then pulled one paper and it easily came out. "But they are not attached yet", he continued. "Let's give them some time so that they get adhered properly".

The girl and the old man waited for sometime to get the adhesive dry off. After sometime, he pulled the papers again slowly but neither came off. "They are now attached, forever. But forever is not really forever", he said and pulled the two papers a little harder. They tore, with a little bit of black on red and red on black. 

"See, they lost their shape and would never look the same again, if not attached together."

The little girl felt bad for the papers. She loved the colors when they were placed together and now they lost their charm.

"This is the thing about attachment. It takes a while to get attached to each other and it would be too difficult to detach once attached together. May be an external force can, and that would tear them apart. Sometimes one will be intact, but the other will be totally destroyed, sometimes both will lose their shape and it all depends on the way they were attached and how the external force behaves on them", he paused.

"In the discussion outside and in reality, human beings are the papers and the external force can be feelings, misunderstandings, distance, ego or even a third party. The more attached and strong we are. unlike the papers, the lesser would be the external force's impact."

The girl looked perplexed and the old man continued, "you wouldn't understand this now, may be you will, someday, once you grow up, but never learn it the hard way and don't be one of those torn color papers."

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Have you been there?

Have you been there?

Where you fall in love with someone as deeply as you could, believe that you will never fall for another person again, and then learn that may be that's possible too, but never as much as you loved this one person, fail miserably to stop thinking how beautiful it would be when you two get together, realize that it will never happen, fall for that same person again... over and over again... when you actually want to fall out of it... try again to be out of it and then learn to move on hiding the love somewhere deep inside, for your own good.... and then, during an unexpected moment, you meet a  random someone who makes you fall head over heels for him just like how it was earlier, drives you crazy and makes you fall in love all over again and you witness the same feelings repeating by itself... history repeating itself...

Have you been there?

If yes, post here the tips that you think will work. A good friend is in need.

Your's truly.