Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gautham - U'll always be remembered !

"No!U should listen to me.Do what I say.Stop talk'n to strangers.U r so dumb,u just have a peabrain.U dunno about guys out here.Stop trust'n people just lyk dat".Rahul screamed.

"Y should I listen to you?Who the hell r u?Stop play'n god and u'll b better off if you mind your own business!" I couldn't control my temper.He's my boyfriend,that doesnt mean that I should be his slave.!

The conversation ended up in a blast and we disconnected the call say'n we wouldn't talk to each other anymore.Huh! As if I care.!!

After a coupla minutes,I sat in front of my PC to check ma mails and all that.Whatever he said was reverberat'n on my head.Short tempered I'm, it's quite tough to control my temper.

I knew whatever he said was right and what I was go'n to commit is bullshit.Still, I couldnt listen to my heart,and i did what my brain was prompted me to do.Got into yahoo chat rooms and clicked on some ID and started chatt'n with some guy!

"Holy Crap!Get out from there.U can't be this dumb.Stop do'n this!"
Who listens to their conscience when they are angry!I just continued do'n what i felt like!

"Asl please!"The guy said.(The id said it was a guy)

"25,male,mallu" That was my reply.

We continued to chat for a while.He told he was Gautham,An Engineer'n student and all that.
I made up some story-I was Deepak,An engineer work'n wid Infy.
The guy wasn't so dumb like me to believe everyth'n i said and am so bad at convinc'n people. He myt have understood dat i was a gal.
We used to chat almost everyday.And one fine day I told him that I was a gal.Errr....What force led me say all that is still a mystery.
The chats went on for days and we even started talk'n over phone.I was so angry with my boyfriend and the way he handled things was wrong,accord'n to me.That led me do all these, includ'n giv'n ma private number to some stranger!!

This guy,Gautham seemed to be so genuine and i started lik'n him.We never met but some bond'n still existed between the two of us. He used to talk about his college,hostel,friends,gal friends,how he messed up with his principal,how he got screwed after dat..It went on and on and on.

By then,I had patched up with my BF. Com'on,all these stupid fights exist in these relations,but didnt tell him about Gautham since i didnt want to pull another fight on.

Years passed by.We almost lost contacts.Hardly did we talk. I realised the fact that he wasn't meant to be there, it was just to spend time, for the two of us. I almost forgot this guy.

That was a Wednesday.I was feel'n so ill that i slept for a while after lunch.When i woke up,found 5 missed calls from Gautham.

"Eh?5 missed calls?? Wassup with him?Why did he call me like that?"

Rang him back.

"I wanna meet you."That was his start'n phrase.
"Gimme your address.I'll come and meet u up"
I was shocked! What happened to this guy?Why does he want to meet me?I had no interest though.
"Hey,am at my Uncle's place ryt now.We'll meet some other day."I lied.

He started blabber'n,"U r the only friend whom I'ven't met yet.I badly wanna meet you.What if we don't get another chance?"

"Eh?Who wants to meet you? Hehehe... By the way,U gonne die or what?" I laughed.

"May be"

"Hey,Gautham stop this, Don't get into all those..We'll meet someday" I tried to convince him the best way i could.

"I need to tell you someth'n."


"I'll soon be undergo'n a surgery"

"Surgery?What for?"

"Im a cancer patient"

"Gautham,stop this.See, its true that we hardly know each other and forced to believe all that the other one say,but that doesnt mean that you can say whatever you want.What you just said is so sensitive!"

"I know.But trust me,this is no joke.What i just said is as true as the existence of God. Am sorry,I've hidden this from you. Everyone was show'n sympathy when they came to know that I was dy'n, and I hate that! I was fed up with everyth'n .But,your presence was so sooth'n,and I didnt want you to do the same.So hid everyth'n.Was undergo'n treatments and that's the reason why I couldn't contact you this long.But,treatments couldn't cast any magic and I should accept the fact that I'll die soon."

I was in a trauma and I couldn't utter a word.

"Yes,Am dy'n deara, and that's no joke! .But trust me,I had a great tym when oyu were around. U kept me happy...  n whenever i was talking to u i never ever thought about what i was going through...You were so nice. Stay happy,and stop fight'n with your bf. Hey,are you listen'n?"


"But,I would like to meet you."

He gave the details of the hospital where he was admitted.

I rang up Rahul and told him everyth'n.

"I'm not sure whether he was say'n the truth or not,but If he wasn't ly'n, I guess I should meet him. Now please don't fight over this, its a sensitive issue, and I want you to be with me when I meet him".

Rahul listened carefully and agreed to come with me. We went to the hospital the very next day to meet my "chat friend".

We entered the hospital, enquired for the guy, and we found his ward. I was literally shiver'n and out of my mind. But then, Rahul's presence made me strong and we entered the room. We found a guy ly'n sick on the bed with people around him. A lady was sitt'n next to the boy wip'n her tears. They saw us, and my eyes struck on this guy. Eventhough we had chatted n talked for long, we never passed our personal pictures or anything.. but somehow, he looked just like what i had  on my mind..

Gautham - He was a fair, lean and considerably tall guy .Dark circles covered his eyes and he appeared to be tired, may be coz of pain.

He might have been expect'n me over there, he passed a smile, as soon as he saw me, which was tired, really cute though. He signaled us to sit next to him, we moved in, sat next to him, I didn't show what was go'n through me, and started talk'n as if noth'n happened and everyth'n was normal.

We talked with his parents & friends too.Came to know from them that Gautham was a real smart and a studious guy. Everyone stood gloomy and Gautham was consol'n them. I Couldn't stand that for long.

Me and Rahul were about to leave. Suddenly Gautham extended a small box wrapped with a gift wrapper, towards me. He asked me to open it. That was a ceramic statue of a lovely gal with a cute smile.

"This is U. I want you to Smile like this forever," He said.
"And Rahul, don't you dare fight with my li'l sister again, ma spirit will be roam'n around and I'll kill you if you do so", he said with a naughty smile.

"She's a gem. Just take good care of her. She loves u so much"

I was done, I ran towards him and gave him a hug. I realised, all of us were cry'n. He wiped my tears, shook my hands, said goodbye and asked me to stay safe. We bid goodbye with a heavy heart.
Few days later, I received a call from Gautham's friend say'n he left us forever. Me and Rahul attended his funeral and everything.

I was his li'l sister. And I'll be, forever, eventhough he's not around. Ah, nope!! He's with me, watch'n me, consol'n me whenever I feel low, punch'n me whenever I do someth'n wrong - My Guardian Angel - Gautham! Miss you Bro!


  1. വളരെ നന്നായിരിക്കുന്നു

  2. Superb one Devi, can be scripted into a book, people would surely love to read!!! Keep Writing more :)

  3. devi dearie....lovely blog...very the way you write..tessa

  4. @anonymous - whoa! that was just too much :D Thanx a ton :)

    @tessa :Thank u mols :)

  5. I'm always skeptical about online friendships, and particularly so about friends who become surrogate family, and I am not saying I am above it, I've had my share of similar experience - but I still liked your story, the way you wrapped it around.

  6. well, if u r serious.. am honored.. i really love the way u write... and btw.. this one, this particular "story".. is fictional :D

  7. Hey its superb, feel its some one around me .. is this ur real life experience ??

  8. Thanx.... :)

    Not exactly... a story, just lyk that!
